Friday, August 3, 2012

A New Look Into Windows XP Versus Windows Vista

Microsoft has done it again. Windows Vista introduced multiple features to the old Window's XP operating system. If you're interested in changing systems soon, take a look into the new features to see what's the difference. So many people are curious and interested in switching to Vista, but we want you to make the right decision. With our step-by-step analysis in the new features, you can make a great decision regarding your next operating system.

New Installation Phases

It's true. Windows Vista improved the security features of installation by using NTFS formatted partition. Windows XP's FAT32 file systems are outdated; Microsoft's upgrade improves your backup systems in case of trouble in the future. No wonder you need to provide your PC's name & CD key before copying the installation with Windows Vista.

Advanced Boot Process

Windows XP used the NT Boot Loader that's been replaced with Vista's Windows Boot Manager. The new, improved booting process secures the boot drives by preventing unauthorized storage of personal application files offered in previous versions.

Revamped Start Menu

Were you annoyed with XP's classice blue start button? Windows Vista's upgrade has changed the button to coffee black for high appeal. Users can get 'started' in style with this improvement.

Advanced Aero 3D Graphics

Translucent graphics are breath-taking in Windows Vista's "Aero" option for high definition graphics cards. if you were excited with XP's basic 3D effects, you will feel at ease with the smooth fluidity of Vista's desktop. Now, gamers and web designers can create outstanding projects without sacrificing the color or texture of their projects; Windows Vista has established a new standard for appeal in OS graphics.

Noticeable Desktop Icons/Navigation

No longer must you squint, double click, and exit the wrong applications; Windows Vista offers a quick solution to XP's mini icons. The desktop address bar in Windows Vista Explorer removed the 'My' that forwards the navigation of Windows XP. Now, you can find documents by typing 'Computer> Local Disk (C:)> My Folder> My Next Level Folder" instead of XP's 'C: My Folder>My Next Level Folder'. This little change makes it easier to navigate through documents without trouble.

New Sidebar Gadgets

Access programs, gadgets, and other functional gidbits on your PC with the side bar. The side bar reflects that of the Microsoft Office 97 edition, but offers highly customizable buttons to change their appearance. No longer must you go through the Start Button to get to your destination; the side bar replaces the problems with a Shortcuts placed nicely on the desktop. Majority of today's users still use the 'Start > Programs > Program Group > Program Name' instead of using this handy little device. The improvement was meant to improve the response times of programs after they create a memory trace in the software management programs.

You may run into a few problems trying to add old hardware devices to the Windows Vista system. Be sure to check software, hardware, and other additions before purchasing them for your Windows Vista system. It saves time, money, and effort in trying to take care of business in a functional state. Also, it's not recommended to add or force hardware or software that requires a different system, just as Windows XP, device manager.

Control Your Kids' Activity

Windows Vista has introduced a new parental control that denies internet access, popular games access, and even your computer. For those of you with tricky little ones, this can protect your kids from predators as well as keep your PC safe from potential viruses associated with your kids' favorite websites. In other words, it helps keep a peace of mind.

Incredible Gaming Performance

Windows Vista gaming experience surges through the barriers offered from Windows XP. Gamers, designers, and photographers in need of high 3D encoding can produce high-quality projects and playing experiences without glitches such as Windows XP. It's good news for those of you interested in top-of-the-line gamiing because there were constant testing on Photoshop CS2, iTunes encoding, and 3D games using F.E.A.R. excels the performance.

More Costs for New Users

Okay, we're aware that many people have older computer systems that are not up-to-date with the latest software applications. This can become pricey if users do not have additional funds to invest in RAM, hard drives, 3D graphics cards for Aero, and Direct X 9.0. The performance of your PC will be very slow compared to today's systems that can manage these updated features.

Conclusion of the Comparison

It's obvious that Windows Vista will be a complete replacement of today's Windows XP. Performance, reliability, and productive features keeps users on their toes as they navigate this new system. Microsoft has done it again by introducing top-of-the-line software at a great price. If you're interested in what Windows Vista has to offer, check out the software on your own.

Vithal Pai is the editor of the comprehensive guide about everything related to Windows Vista. More information about Windows Vista updates is at - Copyright: you may freely reproduce this article, provided the text, author and active followed links remain unchanged.

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